Abstract Guidelines

Abstract Guidelines

You are able to submit your abstract as your first-choice presentation category. In the application form, you can then select a second choice category or select “1st Choice Only”. HealtheX has historically catered to all first- and second- choice presentation mediums without fail.

The HealtheX board will aim to ensure all first- and second- choices are met but reserves the right to allocate presenters to other presentation mediums if the distribution and number of abstract submissions drastically differs from expectations. This is due to the administrative and logistical confines of organizing the day.

You may present a maximum of one abstract submission per category, provided that:

  • All projects are different. The HealtheX board reserves the right to deem whether the projects are “different” enough.
  • All projects were started, are undergoing, or were completed within this calendar year.
  • All projects abide by the Entry Requirements detailed below under “Eligibility Guidelines”.

You are able to present a poster that has been used at another conference.

If you have carried out experiments but have not obtained the expected results, you can still present this data with appropriate justifications.


How to write and submit your abstract

  • Download and read the abstract example.
  • Download and use the abstract template.
  • The body of the abstract should be no more than 250 words.
  • Referencing/results tables/figures are not permitted.
  • Abbreviations and acronyms should be explained before further use within the abstract.
  • Submit your abstract using the “Submit now” button that will become available at the top of the page when submissions are open.

If you have any questions regarding project eligibility or abstract submission please contact healthex@auckland.ac.nz